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Created date: 19 Apr , 2023







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Email SMS Marketing Communications


SMS & Email Lead Generation

All businesses have a need to be engaging with a steady flow of potential new customers in the form of executing defined lead generation campaigns the bring customers into marketing funnels.


Multi Channel Marketing

The best way to get the attention of customers it to use multiple touch points and this is where utilising the combination of SMS & email in order for the brand to remain at the Top of Mind Awareness.


Grow Sales & Revenues

Companies can create automated upsells to increase revenues as they relate certain options to whichever products or services are being purchased.


Dedicated SMS Number

We wrill program in a dedicated SMS number that will relate to a specific branch or location of the company, this can further be used to implement business development strategies starting with Text Message Marketing.


Automated SMS Text Message & Email Digital Lead Generation

img The process starts with using a Keyword Optin then a SMS message can be sent immediately or sent with a specified time delay to suit the company.

Then the SMS phone book contacts can be added to the relevant database of segmented lead generation contacts including telephone number number, name, email address as well as the company.

    Then with the use of a defined sequence of messages that can be sent daily / weekly / monthly can alert them to predefined landing page offers.

We are able to program the system so that it automatically moves subscribers and customers based on actions, this can be used to implement lead generation campaigns.

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SMS & Email Text Message Marketing Strategies.

Now your company can take advantage of utilising core technologies that are used by potential customers on a daily basis.

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Email Marketing Strategy Development

Whilst email will always be the most popular form of marketing communications, adding new channels to any outbound business development strategy is in fact essential to get to grips with or start making use of, otherwise - organisations will simply get left behind ! They will be operating at a significant competitive disadvantage within the marketplace that they operate within.

With that said, SMS text message marketing has some major advantages in terms of customer communications when compared to email, this is in part due to the fact that this form of marketing comes with operating with massive open rates that are up to 98% and on top of this, messages get seen or read withing 3 minutes.