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Thorn Baker Industrial Recruitment



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    Zofia Wojcik img 5

    Thorn Baker is made up of intelligent and educated people who meet the expectations of jobseekers. I've been working for this agency long enough and there have never been any problems. The agency does not divide people into more or less intelligent, older and younger, does not favor anyone and never refuses to help. Thorn Baker is a good employment agency, I recommend it to all interested parties and thank the agency employees for their understanding and respect for us, employees.

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    Joyanna Jolly img 5

    Great agency to work with. Especially, Nichola is amazing. She is polite and always ready to help.

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    Manjit Punia img 5

    The staff is very helpful finding you work in your area, it’s a really recommended Agency to work for, plus they give you work long term ????

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    Patryk Owczarek img 5

    Thorn Baker is the best agency in Leicester, always helpful, payments on time,Nikola and Simon 5 stars ⭐️

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    Josh Joshi img 5

    Great agency to work with. Wages always been paid on time and sometimes earlier. Never had any issues and always helped on a last minute issue.